Will I shop till I drop? Let me show you around Deerfield.
This is Borders Books & Music. Big right?

Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin Donuts menu

The Tile Shop. The shop sells ceramic tiles.

Back alley of the The Tile Shop

The Home Depot. They sell everything that relates to household.

Look at the variety of lights The Home Depot has.

They even have their own nursery...

and you can bring home an apple or cherry tree to grow. Amazing ...

This is Metra station. It is the railway station where we can take a train down to Chicago.


and more railway...

Newspaper and magazine dispensers found at the railway station.

Zippy. I guess it is another restaurant. It is not open in the daytime so I have no idea.

Amcore Bank.

Bennigan's. Clubbing area I guess.

Multiplex Fitness Club.

and last but not least, Jewel Osco. It is a gigantic supermarket. I am going to do my groceries here.